A “Magic Trick” That Makes Clients Come to You – The Marketing Mentors

A “Magic Trick” That Makes Clients Come to You

Did I just waste 30 minutes on an infomercial?  WHY?!

Did I just waste 30 minutes on an infomercial? WHY?!

This is part 2 continuing from yesterday’s quickie – How Two Questions and a Broom Started My Business [True Story]

So I’m flipping through the channels late one night…

On comes an infomercial; a guy with a squeaky voice is hawking some sort of plastic broom/mop gizmo…

I stop to watch for a while…

The funny part is, I don’t even do my own house cleaning. Yet I still stopped and continued watching him do his “magic”!


Good question!

Because it was interesting. He was actually sharing some useful info. I wanted to know what “trick” he would do next. AND, despite his squeaky voice, the guy was quite entertaining.

Then, after about 15 minutes of watching this…

Bam! It hit me!

I was pissed off.

Earlier that day I was networking to get clients. Time and again I was forced to explain my complex, life and business altering service in 15 to 30 seconds…

Yet this clown gets an entire hour to talk about his broom gizmo? That’s not fair! AND who the heck watches this crap?!


Bam… another lightning moment!

“Wait a second”, I thought… “I’m actually one of ‘those people’ who just spent 20 minutes watching this!”

No one held a gun to my head. And I enjoyed it.

So I asked myself: “What if I did the same?”

What if I told a story about my service, gave useful info, showed examples, made people laugh and shared my offer in at the end? Would it work?

Well, it did! It worked like crazy!

I called my approach an “Edumercial” – for education mixed with a commercial for my services.

It might sound like old news today, but nearly 14 years ago nobody was doing this!

The idea was simple – stop pitching and start teaching!

Now I finally had the solution to avoiding answering the two questions I hated so much!

Instead of telling people WHAT I did and WHY I was qualified to do it, I simply asked them questions and then invited them to get a “special report” from me…

Or an audio CD…

Or to come to a teleseminar (webinars weren’t around yet.) ;)

People who previously suffered from GOES (glazed over eyes syndrome) after the first 10 seconds of my “elevator pitch” were now glued to the phone for an over an hour.

They took the time and went out of their way to pay attention and take copies notes listening to my edumercial.

And afterwards – they came “knocking on my door” and asking to work with me.

To this day, 13+ years later, the same approach still works like a charm…

So that’s the “magic trick” that changed my life and pretty much gave the start to my business as it is now…

That’s the “magic trick” that will make clients come to you.

Just stop pitching and start teaching!

And just so you know (and if you don’t have my ACLC program you obviously wouldn’t know this), I explain this entire idea of the edumercial – how to put it together and use it to get clients – in my ACLC course.

You can get it at http://themarketingmentors.com

Here’s to your success… Cheers!

Adam “I Don’t Chase – I Attract” Urbanski ;)
a.k.a. The Millionaire Marketing Mentor®

Adam Urbanski

I'm Adam Urbanski, founder and CEO of The Marketing Mentors. Thousands of entrepreneurs world-wide call me the Millionaire Marketing Mentor and I'm the go-to guy experts turn to when they want to attract more clients and grow their businesses fast. Since 2000 I've helped thousands of people start and grow successful businesses. Many of my clients and students from dozens of countries on every continent now enjoy multiple six, even seven figure incomes. On this blog I share effective marketing strategies that are easy to understand and simple to deploy. You can connect with me beyond this blog on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
