Excellent Client Repellent – Guaranteed to Work… – The Marketing Mentors

Excellent Client Repellent – Guaranteed to Work…

Have you seen the movie Guilt Trip?

It’s a funny comedy. And a great lesson in marketing and selling!

If you haven’t watched it, here’s the gist of what it’s about.

An young organic chemist turned inventor – Andy (played by Seth Rogen) – sets out on a cross country trip to pitch his organic cleaner to different retailers.

By a weird twist of events (how else could be in a movie, right?) he ends up driving with his mother (Barbra Streisand.)

The young genius chemist created what appears to be a fantastic cleaning potion. There’s only one tiny problem…

Terrified woman with appalled expressionThe product name sucks. The packaging is even worse. And his sales pitch makes his own mother cringe!

Bottom line, Andy not only has the best cleaner on the market, he’s armed with the best CLIENT REPELLENT formula that works like a charm – every time!

Time and again he gets rejected.

At one point, in a pitch to Costco, he finally starts to get some traction when the buyer suggests a new product name and slight change to the packaging, but…

Andy, our “genius”, blows up yelling “I’m not changing the goddamn label!”

Predictably, he leaves that meeting, just like all prior, without an order and the 10,000 bottles of product he’s already produced still safely stored in his garage! ;)

This made me think about many coaches and consultants who have something amazing on their hands…

They are genuine geniuses at doing their work…

When they do their magic – lives and businesses are transformed. The only problem is they can’t get enough people to “perform their magic” for, because…

1. Their message (product name) bores people to tears!

2. Their label (packaging) sucks!

3. And their sales pitch stinks.

We weren’t born creating great marketing. We must learn how so we can share our genius with the world!

Look, none of us were born knowing how to create perfect marketing messages and how to influence people to buy from us.

But if you refuse to learn how to do it and won’t put in the time and effort to get really good at it – you’ll just keep repelling clients no matter how much harder you work!

So… how do you fix it?

Two ways…

1. If you don’t yet own my ACLC course, start there. It will teach you how to think like a marketer – meaning you’ll actually know how to speak the language of your clients!

Get your copy at http://attractclientslikecrazy.com

2. Join me for on a free webinar this Thursday and find out how we can support you to package, promote and sell your services the way top 1% pros in your industry do.

It’s free to participate

Just so you know, it’s the last time I’m teaching this webinar live. After this Thursday the only way to get this information will be to buy the recordings for $47.

Adam “Stop Repelling Clients” Urbanski ;)
a.k.a. The Millionaire Marketing Mentor®

Adam Urbanski

I'm Adam Urbanski, founder and CEO of The Marketing Mentors. Thousands of entrepreneurs world-wide call me the Millionaire Marketing Mentor and I'm the go-to guy experts turn to when they want to attract more clients and grow their businesses fast. Since 2000 I've helped thousands of people start and grow successful businesses. Many of my clients and students from dozens of countries on every continent now enjoy multiple six, even seven figure incomes. On this blog I share effective marketing strategies that are easy to understand and simple to deploy. You can connect with me beyond this blog on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
