How Winners Get Ahead in Business… [3 steps + cool picture] – The Marketing Mentors

How Winners Get Ahead in Business… [3 steps + cool picture]

Winning is not an accident…

People who consistently create bigger wins in life and business have successful habits that set them apart.

You see, I don’t consider myself to be the sharpest tool in the shed. (After all, I barely graduated from high-school!) ;)

But I’m smart enough to seek and follow success models and blueprints.

That’s why I always seek out people who are more successful than me and learn from them.

Here is my three step formula:

1. Find someone who is ahead of you traveling to a destination you want to reach and ask them to guide you.

For example, I want to make another leap in my business in 2014 so to get ready I recently took my core team to be mentored by Clate Mask and Scott Martineau – the co-founders of Infusionsoft.

Last year they generated $60M in revenue. Plus they got $54M in funding from Goldman Sachs.

They are certainly a few steps ahead of us which makes them great mentors for what we want to accomplish next. 

2. Shut up and listen!

It drives me nuts when people ask for help only to ignore the advice they get and argue for their limitations! 

Unless you out-earn your business mentor, when he or she gives you their battle-tested, from-the-trenches strategies keep your opinions to yourself – just shut up and listen. ;)

I call it “no barking dogs allowed”!

3. Roll up your sleeves and do the work!

It’s not how much you know, but what you do with it!

Sounds so simple, but it’s not easy.

Because to get to where you want to be you’ve got to leave where you are right now.

And it can be scary to leap into the unknown. 

But you know what?

Once you are on your way, you will likely discover things are not as scary as you imagined.

Just get started… Then keep going!

And if you want a step-by-step guide how to take your business to mid and high six figures, my Attract Clients Like Crazy® marketing system could be just the help you need.

Here’s to your success – cheers!

Adam “How To Get Ahead” Urbanski ;)
a.k.a. The Millionaire Marketing Mentor®

P.S. Here’s a picture of my core team with Clate and Scott in front of our “strategy wall”. Pretty cool, huh? ;)

Adam Urbanski

I'm Adam Urbanski, founder and CEO of The Marketing Mentors. Thousands of entrepreneurs world-wide call me the Millionaire Marketing Mentor and I'm the go-to guy experts turn to when they want to attract more clients and grow their businesses fast. Since 2000 I've helped thousands of people start and grow successful businesses. Many of my clients and students from dozens of countries on every continent now enjoy multiple six, even seven figure incomes. On this blog I share effective marketing strategies that are easy to understand and simple to deploy. You can connect with me beyond this blog on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.

  • I think one of the hardest things for anyone to do is follow simple instructions. I agree, we must shut up and listen!

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