How to Attract More of the Right Clients… – The Marketing Mentors

How to Attract More of the Right Clients…

Stories help your clients see themselves.

Use language that speaks to your ideal clients and helps them “see themselves” in your stories and teachings.

Let’s do a quick Q&A today… 

One of my coaching program members, Terrie Marie, asked this in our private group the other day: 

Q: “How to attract the people I most want to work with the most using the right ‘attraction language’?” 

A: Words are like mirrors. Use language that speaks to where the people you want as clients are so they can “see themselves” in your stories and teachings. 

And keep “calling out” the kinds of people you want to attract – again, by describing them in your teachings. 

For example, in my messages I may directly call out established coaches and consultants and people who want to get into this business… 

I may also simply talk about the biggest challenges they deal with – like getting clients, creating the right marketing messages, becoming recognized as a market leader, etc.

Attract your ideal audience by calling them out and talking about issues that are important to them.

By calling out my ideal audience and talking about issues that are important to them I end up attracting more of them while repelling those who aren’t a good match and whom I don’t want as subscribers and clients. 

So there are actually two lessons here… 

1. Teach more. Remember, your ideal clients are information seekers first, solution buyers second. 

2. When you teach talk about people and situations that represent exactly who you want to attract. 

Just so you know, in my ACLC course I teach about creating the right marketing messages. And I cover 17  ways to attract ideal coaching and consulting clients. 

You could be discovering highly effective ways to land new clients just minutes from now. ;) 

Meanwhile, here’s to your success – cheers! 

Adam “Making Getting Clients Easy” Urbanski ;) 
a.k.a. The Millionaire Marketing Mentor®

Adam Urbanski

I'm Adam Urbanski, founder and CEO of The Marketing Mentors. Thousands of entrepreneurs world-wide call me the Millionaire Marketing Mentor and I'm the go-to guy experts turn to when they want to attract more clients and grow their businesses fast. Since 2000 I've helped thousands of people start and grow successful businesses. Many of my clients and students from dozens of countries on every continent now enjoy multiple six, even seven figure incomes. On this blog I share effective marketing strategies that are easy to understand and simple to deploy. You can connect with me beyond this blog on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter.
